Why SEO is important for business?

Why SEO is important for business
Table of Contents Show
    1. Part -1
  1. On-Page SEO
    1. Off-Page SEO

Search engine optimization SEO is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or web page in a search engine’s unpaid results—often referred to as “natural,” “organic,” or “earned” results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users; these visitors can then be converted into customers.

SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic research, news aggregators, and even social media sites. SEO may target different languages such as Arabic or French.

There are many reasons why SEO is important for business:

It helps with brand awareness – It increases website traffic which leads to increased customer conversions – It improves customer loyalty by providing them with an experience that they would not have had otherwise

This topic is divided into two parts due to the size of the content.

Part -1

Everyone who has a digital presence on the web domain needs a good SEO to run or attract organic traffics for their business. To achieve this goal, you need to apply the correct methods of SEO on your website, blog, e-commerce, etc.

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. Search Engines like Google, Bing, and Yandex. Every search engine crawls all over the internet. When a user searches for something on the internet the search engine looks for the particular keywords input by the user and displays the result accordingly.

So if you are in into a particular business then your website needs to be optimized in such a way that the search engine crawler finds you when users search for your business or similar business.

Let’s have a look at the two types of SEO :
  1. On-Page SEO
  2. Off-Page SEO

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is the practice of optimizing a single page to achieve a higher ranking and boost more organic traffics. In this piece, you will find different tips about On-Page SEO

  1. Start title tags with your target keyword: Your websites, products, and blog may be right up on the Google search results page with the appropriate keyword, channeling a huge amount of traffic to your website. On the contrary, a misadvised or inappropriate keyword can make your site’s chance towards prominence more remote than ever.
  2. Drop Keyword in the first 100 words: The ideal place to start putting keywords in an article is within the first 100 words. There are many to whom these come naturally, but a large number of bloggers prefer a long intro before bothering with a keyword.
  3. Use Outbound Links: Outbound links are the primary source of bringing more attention to your website. There are a lot of people who make the mistake of not including links to other websites/articles.
  4. Write click-worthy meta descriptions for each page: Meta descriptions are one of the most important and visible elements – next to your title tag and URL- that convince people to click through. If you want traffic to your latest article and efficiently on your website, make sure that the meta descriptions are attractive and informative. They should arouse the viewer’s curiosity within the 150-word limit.
  5. Post-Long Content: Longer content not only helps in adding more keywords to it, but there is also a natural emphasis on information.
  6. Add keywords to your post strategically: Strategical keyword placement is critical to a post’s success and net traffic on a website. As search engines continually become more refined, it is not enough just to randomly stuff articles with keywords and hope for relevance in the search results.
  7. Put your target keyword in the URL: As keywords are essentially the backbone of on-page SEO, you need to pay a lot of attention to them. There is no reason not to include them in your URLs. Inclusion has its benefits. When you assimilate the targeted keyword into the URL, you are ensuring that Google has another reason and way to consider your article as more relevant for a particular phrase.
  8. Image Optimization: Make sure that the pictures on your website have file names that include the target keyword. Images are an important component of any website as they make pages visually attractive as well as informative. Optimizing your images should naturally boost your ranking. Also, your image will get a high rank in Google image searches.
  9. Ensure your site is super-fast: First of all, you should upgrade your hosting plan and rethink the plan you started with when you first launched your website. A slow website is not only bad for the end-user, but also for SEO.
    • Cloud hosting is the best option nowadays, some people are not aware of the differences between VPS and Cloud services. It’s(VPS) “in the cloud,” meaning it is distributed over multiple computers, sometimes even hundreds. It’s less expensive and more flexible than Dedicated Servers.
    • Understanding HTTP requests is another way to boost site speed as too many requests invariably slow down a page.
    • Plugin clutter significantly slows down site performance by creating too many extra files, thus increasing load time. It’s best to avoid the use of plugins whenever possible, and though it’s not ideal to get rid of them altogether, there are ways to reduce the overall count.
    • Regularly review plugins and use alternatives like adding links to your footers whenever possible. Aside from taking up space, outdated WordPress plugins are often responsible for security vulnerabilities as it’s a third-party code packages.
    • Finally, page caching, where web pages store data, allows visitors to access that page more quickly since the database does not have to retrieve each file again.
  10. Your website must be mobile-friendly: This makes it easy to read and easy to use on a smartphone, eliminating any excess effort. Responsive design describes a website that dynamically resizes to fit the width of the device or browser that it is being displayed. Responsive design uses a single code base that works across hundreds of devices. Naturally, more mobile friendliness equates to more viewers which means more traffic to your site.

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO refers to the techniques that go beyond a website. People associate off-page SEO with link building, however, it is more than that. The different tips related to this are :

  1. Build high-quality backlinks only: Link building is the most important – and the most challenging – SEO strategy. The truth is, without any high-quality backlinks, your website won’t rank for competitive and high-traffic keywords.
  2. Broken link building: Broken link-building tactic is about identifying broken links on websites from your business niche. The main aim is to get the broken link replaced with an active one pointing to your content. If you find any broken links on topically related websites, you can immediately contact the website owner and inform him about it. How to automate the process of finding broken links? You need a tool to do this. In my experience, the best free tool to use for broken link building is checked here.
  3. Skyscraper technique: The skyscraper technique is a popular and effective method, introduced by Brian Dean, to improve search rankings and boost the relevance of your website. It involves three steps:
  4. Guestographics method: Another link-building technique that uses infographics. With this method, instead of publishing an infographic and begging other people to share it, you’re pushing them to release it on their site in exchange for unique content.
  5. Link roundups: Link roundups are selected and organized updates from bloggers that link out to their favorite content during a given period. Roundups are mutually beneficial relationships. It’s really hard to curate content as it involves a lot of work.
  6. Be active on social media: Although Google doesn’t hold much stock in social media as far as ranking is concerned, you can actually improve your site’s popularity and traffic by being active on Facebook, Google+, or Twitter. The more you post links to your blogs on social networks, the higher the chance people will visit your blog, thus increasing traffic.
  7. Promote your websites and new blog: Before publishing your new piece of content, reach out to an influential blogger in your industry. Once your content is published, share it on social media and mention the people you’ve referenced. Anytime you mention someone, include a link to someone’s article and inform that person by sending an email. With LinkedIn, you can get in an influential blogger’s inbox even if you don’t have their email address. Contact people who have shared similar content to the item you just published and if possible, turn the content into a video to appeal to an entirely different audience.
  8. Stay updated with Google’s algorithm: Google updates its search algorithms frequently. We are in 2019 Google makes its significant changes to AdWords, removing right-column ads entirely and rolling. While this was a paid search update, now Google provides some free SEO services and Certificate. it is significant implications for CTR for both paid and organic results, especially on competitive keywords. These kinds of changes must be understood to plan a strategy regarding site ranking.
  9. Follow Google’s guidelines: These quality guidelines cover the most common forms of deceptive or manipulative behavior, but Google may respond negatively to other misleading practices not listed here. It’s not safe to assume that just because a specific deceptive technique isn’t included on this page, Google approves of it.

to be continued…

Coming Soon Technical SEO.


To conclude, web pages may very well be critical to our businesses and recognition, but it’s the keywords and more importantly, the ranking which make us significant or otherwise.

To maintain a name in the industry, it’s important that your website is relevant to the user’s search criteria. If you are wondering how to get a brand new website ranked, remember the 19 methods mentioned in this article are essential to that end. To sum it up, what Google deems significant or reliable is what the public accepts.

Establishing a brand as an authority takes patience, effort, and commitment, but also relies on offering a valuable, quality product or service that allows customers to trust a brand or value. If you want to improve your business/product find out the way.

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